Mecha BREAK Class Guide: Which to Pick?

Mecha BREAK offers over 13 Strikers to choose from, all while not having clearly defined classes. Each Striker comes with unique weapons and tools that make them stand out on the battlefield. This guide will talk about each Striker and what team roles they can play in a match.


The Alysnes is a versatile Striker that has good defensive tools, while also having solid DPS weapons. Its role in the game is to be a brawler that can dive into a big fight and contribute damage for the team, while also soaking up damage themselves to survive.

  • Class: Frontline DPS
  • The Energy Autocannon and Gauss Cannon are for picking off targets from range.
  • The Battle Halberd ignores Fluid Armor and deals direct damage to health.
  • Its shield blocks all damage and can parry incoming melee attacks if timed right


The Falcon is a highly mobile Striker, serving as a glass cannon that can dish out big bursts of DPS. Due to its low damage resistances and Fluid Armor, this Striker is best used for hit-and-run strategies with its jet mode being capable of breaking enemy lock-on.

  • Class: Assassin DPS
  • While its default Striker mode is fairly mobile, its jet mode makes it one of the fastest mechs in the game.
  • Its base Autocannon deals subpar DPS, but while in jet mode, it deals significantly more damage and has a faster fire rate.
  • The Light and Heavy Missile Launchers are highly effective while airborne.


This Striker is built for holding down objective sites, as it has one of the best defensive tools in the game. Tricera also has powerful DPS weapons, such as its Gatling Guns and Howitzer, that can catch enemies off guard with its burst damage. If you want a classic tank role, Tricera can do just that.

  • Class: Tank
  • Much of its high endurance comes from its Turret Mode, giving it an extra layer of armor and resistance to all damage.
  • The base Gatling Guns do decent damage, while the Heavy variant deals slightly more damage at the cost of a slower reload speed.
  • Its Howitzer cannon can easily break Fluid Armor and stagger enemies with a direct hit.


Luminae is one of the earliest support-oriented Strikers in the game, offering different ways of healing allies, whether from a distance or at close range. Though its primary focus is healing, it can also deal decent damage against enemy Strikers. If you prefer to play a classic “support” class, the Luminae will suit you well.

  • Class: Healing Support
  • Its primary fire sends out drones that provide healing over time.
  • Its other weapon, the Haze Diffuser, creates a healing cloud around Luminae.
  • In case Luminae takes enemy fire, it can use the Support Jetwing to grant it a massive burst of boost speed to escape from pursuers.
  • If DPS is required in a fight, Luminae can activate the Corruption Module to convert its healing drones and Haze Diffuser into a damaging cloud that deals tick damage.


The Narukami is your iconic “sniper DPS,” as it comes with all the tools needed to stay hidden and reposition for a better shot. Its Charged Beam Cannon can dish out massive damage while doing partial damage to health, and it has plenty of invisibility and decoy tools to evade pursuers.

  • Class: Sniper DPS
  • The Charged Beam Cannon can scope in and charge up its shot to deal more damage, but it can also be hip-fired to secure kills.
  • While scoped in, the Narukami will be unable to move.
  • Its Decoy Launcher, Grappling Hook, and stealth field allow it to remain undetected by the enemy team, but shots with the weapon break the invisibility.


Welkin is a melee tank that specializes in outlasting its opponents while dealing solid damage up close. This Striker can isolate targets with its Duelling Forcefield and get close enough to dish out DPS with its Heavy Axe.

It also has some means of supporting its team by releasing chaff that prevents enemies from locking on. If you want a heavy close-range fighter, the Welkin is the best Striker for you.

  • Class: Hybrid Tank / DPS
  • The Heavy Axe is Welkin’s biggest source of damage, as it can be charged up to execute a multi-hit spin attack.
  • Its Assault Howitzer has solid damage against Fluid Armor and is a decent weapon for securing kills from weakened targets.
  • The Duelling Forcefield can lock enemies inside a prison, forcing them into melee range with the Welkin.


The Hurricane is part of the Ultra Heavy Striker family, as it has high armor and low mobility. This Striker specializes in zone denial, with its ability to create harmful fields of electricity that hurt enemies inside it. It can be considered the “engineer” class as it can create turrets and barriers to protect their team.

  • Class: Engineer Tank
  • Its primary weapon, the Energy Blaster, can be charged up to unleash an electric field that damages enemies that come into contact.
  • The Hurricane can release turret drones that automatically attack enemies closest to it. It also has drones that create a dome that blocks incoming projectiles.
  • The Emitter unleashes a barrage of lasers that can track up to 6 targets and can deal immense damage.


Like the Falcon, the Skyraider is a mobile flanker Striker with a bigger focus on area denial. While it has less DPS than the former, the Skyraider has some utility options in its kit that can prove very helpful for the team.

  • Class: Support DPS
  • Its Energy Autocannon is its primary source of damage
  • It can launch Jamming Missiles and Energy Missiles, which are great for area denial
  • The Missile Dispenser weapon can target an entire team if within range.


The Aquila is also a traditional “sniper” class alongside the Narukami, though this Striker focuses more on having more mobility over stealth. While it deals slightly less damage than the Narukami, its sniper mode does not require you to stay still.

Paired with its flight mode, the Aquila is a great alternative for players who like to play in high cover more often.

  • Class: Sniper DPS
  • Like the Narukami, its sniper can be scoped in to deal more damage, but it lacks the charge-up mechanic of the former.
  • Aquila’s Flight mode uses a separate energy meter, effectively giving it more energy to dash and fly with.
  • The Multilock Radar allows it to contribute more DPS by giving its weapon a faster reload speed while providing multi-lock capabilities


The Panther, unlike all other Strikers, has no ranged weapons. In exchange, it has two melee weapons that are effective from close to medium range.

The Panther’s role in combat is to ambush enemies and burst them down in melee combat. If you are a fan of melee flankers, the Panther is an effective duellist.

  • Class: Assassin DPS
  • While the Panther has good mobility, its Lance has one of the fastest dash attacks in the game. When charged up, it can dash towards a target from a deceptively long range.
  • The Panther can block incoming projectiles with its shield, while also being capable of parrying melee strikes through a perfect block.
  • As a backup weapon, it can use the Shield Blade to deal more damage up close.
  • It also has a toggle passive block system that can mitigate projectiles for a short while.


Another member of the UItra Heavy Strikers, the Stego uses missiles to deal damage to enemies. Like the Tricera, it has a turret mode that gives it extra weapon stability and defense, making it the perfect objective defense Striker.

The Stego can be considered a sidegrade to the Tricera, as it offers more damage at the cost of tankiness, but it can still be an efficient objective holder.

  • Class: Off-Tank DPS
  • The Stego has two primary weapons: a standard Rocket Pod and a Rapid Rocket Pod. The latter deals more damage at a faster fire rate but has a slower reload time over the base form.
  • Its Turret Mode gives it a shield that blocks enemy fire from the front but does not protect the flanks. While in Turret Mode, the Stego gains extra lock-on range and width.
  • The Micro-Missile weapon fires 3 barrages of micro missiles, but can only be fired while in Turret Mode.


Like the Luminae, the Pinaka is also a support Striker that specializes in healing and damage mitigation. This Striker can send out drones to heal nearby allies, but it also has a unique playstyle where it can shield targeted allies from harm.

It has one of the most powerful support tools in the game, as it prevents all damage for a short duration. If protecting your allies is your preferred playstyle, the Pinaka is a great choice.

  • Its primary weapon, Quick Repair Kit, causes the Pinaka to dash towards an ally and provide healing for a short duration.
  • The Splitter is its main offensive weapon, firing plasma projectiles in a spread.
  • The Emergency Support Drone, when targeted at an ally, provides a personal forcefield while providing health regeneration.
  • If under fire, the Pinaka can call in a deployable cover that is impervious to all damage.


The Inferno partially shares the same kit as the Hurricane, but it emphasizes offensive power over area denial. This Striker lays down laser fire that can burn through the Fluid Armor of enemies, making it a consistent damage dealer. Since it has no disengagement or defensive tools, the Inferno is a vulnerable target, which is why it is best suited as a backline DPS.

  • Class: Backline DPS
  • Its twin Charged Splitters fire lasers that deal decent damage, but they can be charged up to deal increased damage.
  • The Inferno has two back-mounted laser emitters that can hit all enemies in a frontal cone, which comes with missile interception functions.
  • Like the Hurricane, it shares the Emitter weapon where it can channel a massive laser that deals massive damage.

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